On-Premise Corporate Messengers: A Comprehensive Guide


In today’s digitally-driven business landscape, effective communication is the linchpin that holds operations together. Corporate messengers are evolving to fulfill this crucial role, ensuring seamless communication within a secure environment. But amidst the rise of cloud-based solutions, on-premise corporate messengers are increasingly gaining traction. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deep into what on-premise corporate messengers are, why they are vital, and how they stack up against their cloud-based counterparts.


Introduction: Setting the Stage introduction


Before the internet era, corporate communication was often limited to memos, phone calls, and face-to-face meetings. However, the digital transformation has revolutionized the way businesses communicate. With options like email, video conferencing, and corporate messengers, effective communication is just a click away. But with increased efficiency comes increased risk—especially when it comes to security and data management. This is where on-premise corporate messengers come into the picture.


What is an On-Premise Corporate Messenger?


An on-premise corporate messenger is a business communication tool that resides on a company’s internal servers rather than on the cloud. It allows employees to interact through text, voice, and video within a secured network. By hosting the software on the company’s infrastructure, businesses have complete control over their data, thereby enhancing security and compliance.


Why Choose On-Premise?


Full Control Over Data: The Quintessence of Ownership and Control

  1. Depth of Control

When you opt for an on-premise corporate messenger, you’re essentially choosing to keep all your data within your organization’s physical or virtual perimeter. This means that every text message, file, or even emoticon sent through the messenger is stored on servers that you own and control. This depth of control extends to data management activities such as backup, encryption, and disaster recovery.


  1. Customization and Policy Implementation

With total control over data, you can customize the storage architecture to meet specific organizational needs. For example, if certain departments require more stringent access controls, this can be easily implemented. You can also enforce your own data retention policies, such as how long chat logs should be kept, which may not be possible with a cloud-based solution.


Enhanced Security: Your Corporate Firewall as the Guardian


  1. The Firewall Advantage

One of the inherent advantages of an on-premise solution is that your corporate messenger resides behind your firewall. This firewall acts as the first line of defense against external threats, filtering out unauthorized access attempts before they even reach the messenger system.


  1. Security Protocols and Measures

Beyond the firewall, you can implement additional security protocols that align with your organization’s cybersecurity policy. Whether it’s end-to-end encryption to ensure the confidentiality of messages, or intrusion detection systems that monitor for suspicious activities, the level of security can be significantly more robust compared to a cloud-based solution.


Compliance: Meeting Regulatory Mandates with Ease


  1. Regulatory Frameworks and On-Premise Solutions

Compliance with industry-specific regulations such as GDPR for data protection in Europe, or HIPAA for healthcare in the United States, often necessitates strict control over how data is stored, processed, and transmitted. On-premise solutions make it easier to comply with these regulations because you control the entire data lifecycle.

  1. Audits and Reporting

Since you control the data and the system, audits can be conducted with greater precision and accordance to your industry’s regulatory requirements. You can generate specific reports, control what gets logged, and create an audit trail that demonstrates compliance, thereby reducing the risk of non-compliance and subsequent penalties.

By offering unparalleled control over data, enhanced security through corporate firewalls, and an easier path to compliance with industry regulations, on-premise corporate messengers stand out as a highly viable option for organizations that prioritize these factors.

Comparing Cloud-Based vs. On-Premise Messengers comparing


While cloud-based messengers offer the benefit of quick deployment and lower upfront costs, they might not provide the level of security and control that on-premise solutions offer.


Security Concerns: The Safeguard Measures security


On-premise messengers can integrate with your existing security infrastructure, making it easier to implement features like two-factor authentication, intrusion detection systems, and more.


Cost-Benefit Analysis cost


Although the initial setup cost for an on-premise messenger can be high, the long-term benefits often outweigh the initial investment, especially when considering data security and compliance.


Best Practices for Implementation best-practices


  1. Needs Assessment: Conduct a thorough analysis of your business needs.
  2. Vendor Selection: Choose a reputable vendor with a track record of providing robust on-premise solutions.
  3. Pilot Testing: Before full-scale implementation, conduct a pilot test to identify any potential issues.
  4. Training: Ensure that your staff is well-trained on how to use the new system effectively.



On-premise corporate messengers offer a robust, secure, and customizable solution for business communications. While they may require a substantial initial investment, the long-term benefits in terms of data control, security, and compliance make them a viable option for many enterprises.


There you have it—a comprehensive look at on-premise corporate messengers. It’s not just about choosing a communication tool; it’s about choosing the right communication infrastructure for your business. Make an informed decision, and pave the way for more secure and efficient corporate communications.

The Digital Transformation Journey: A Roadmap for Success


In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, digital transformation has become more than just a buzzword; it is a strategic imperative. Organizations across industries are embracing digital transformation as they seek to remain competitive, enhance customer experiences, and streamline operations. However, embarking on this journey is not without its challenges. To navigate the complexities of digital transformation successfully, organizations need a clear roadmap. This article provides insights into the digital transformation journey and how it can impact business processes.

Understanding Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is the process of leveraging digital technologies to fundamentally change how a business operates, serves its customers, and creates value. It is not just about implementing new technology; it encompasses a shift in mindset, culture, and processes. The goal is to harness the power of digital tools and data to achieve strategic objectives and stay ahead in a fast-paced, data-driven world.

 The Drivers of Digital Transformation

  1. Customer Expectations:

In today’s digital era, customers have grown accustomed to seamless and personalized experiences. Whether they are shopping online, using mobile banking services, or placing food orders through apps, they expect convenience, personalization, and immediate gratification. These expectations are not limited to a particular industry; they span across all sectors. As a result, businesses must adapt to meet these demands or risk losing customers to competitors who provide a more digital-centric and customer-focused experience.

  1. Competitive Pressures:

The business landscape has become intensely competitive, with organizations constantly seeking ways to gain an edge. Embracing digital transformation has emerged as a pivotal strategy for maintaining a competitive advantage. Companies that are quick to adopt the latest digital technologies and innovative practices can differentiate themselves, deliver unique value to customers, and secure a stronger market position. Failing to do so can result in being left behind by more agile and digitally-savvy competitors.

  1. Data Explosion:

The volume of data generated on a daily basis is nothing short of staggering. With the advent of the internet, social media, e-commerce, and IoT devices, businesses are inundated with vast amounts of data. This data is a goldmine of insights waiting to be unlocked. By harnessing advanced analytics and data-driven decision-making, organizations can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational efficiency. This, in turn, enables them to make informed decisions, identify growth opportunities, and create highly targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with their audience.

  1. Operational Efficiency:

Digital transformation offers businesses the opportunity to optimize their operations significantly. By adopting digital tools and automation, organizations can streamline processes, reduce manual errors, and enhance overall efficiency. Tasks that once required substantial human intervention can now be automated, leading to cost savings and improved resource allocation. This not only allows businesses to do more with less but also enables them to respond more swiftly to customer demands and market changes.

  1. Regulatory Requirements:

In an era where data privacy and security are paramount, compliance with evolving regulations is a critical aspect of modern business. The digital realm has introduced new challenges related to data protection and privacy. Regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) impose strict requirements on how organizations handle and safeguard sensitive data. Digital transformation provides businesses with the tools and processes necessary to meet these regulatory obligations more effectively, reducing the risk of costly legal and reputational consequences associated with non-compliance.

The Digital Transformation Roadmap

A successful digital transformation journey requires careful planning and execution. Here is a roadmap that organizations can follow:

  1. Define Clear Objectives:

The first step in a successful digital transformation journey is to define clear objectives. This involves a thorough understanding of what the organization aims to achieve through digital transformation. Objectives should align with the organization’s broader strategic goals and be framed using the SMART criteria:

Specific: Objectives should be precise and clearly defined, leaving no room for ambiguity. They should answer the “what,” “why,” and “how” questions.

Measurable: There must be a way to measure progress and success. Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) helps in tracking and assessing the impact of digital transformation efforts.

Achievable: Objectives should be realistic and attainable. Setting overly ambitious goals can lead to frustration and demotivation among teams.

Relevant: Ensure that the objectives are aligned with the organization’s overall mission and long-term strategy. They should make sense in the context of the business.

Time-bound: Set specific timeframes or deadlines for achieving objectives. This adds a sense of urgency and helps in tracking progress over time.

  1. Assess Current Capabilities:

Before proceeding, conduct a comprehensive assessment of the organization’s current state. This assessment should cover technology infrastructure, existing processes, and the skillsets of employees. It serves several purposes:

Gap Identification: Identify gaps between the current state and the desired state as outlined in the objectives. These gaps become areas of focus for digital transformation efforts.

Baseline Measurement: Establish a baseline for measuring progress. Knowing where you started is essential for evaluating the impact of digital transformation initiatives.

Resource Allocation: Determine the resources, both human and financial, required for the journey. This helps in realistic planning and budgeting.

  1. Create a Digital Strategy:

A robust digital strategy is the cornerstone of successful digital transformation. This strategy should provide a clear roadmap for how digital technologies will be integrated into the organization’s operations. Key elements to consider include:

Customer Engagement: Define how digital channels will be used to enhance customer engagement and create personalized experiences.

Data Analytics: Determine how data will be collected, stored, and analyzed to derive actionable insights that inform decision-making.

Cybersecurity: Outline strategies and measures for ensuring the security of digital assets and protecting sensitive customer data.

Workforce Training: Address the need for upskilling and training employees to work effectively with new digital tools and technologies.

Flexibility: Recognize that the digital landscape is constantly evolving. Your strategy should be flexible enough to adapt to emerging technologies and shifting market dynamics.

  1. Invest in Technology:

Selecting and implementing the right technologies is a pivotal step. It involves decisions about hardware, software, and infrastructure. Consider factors such as:

Technology Alignment: Ensure that the chosen technologies align with your digital strategy and overall business goals.

Scalability: Choose technologies that can grow with your organization and accommodate increasing data volumes or user demands.

Interoperability: Seek solutions that can seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and tools, preventing data silos and enhancing efficiency.

Sustainability: Assess the long-term sustainability of your technology investments. Avoid adopting trendy but short-lived technologies that may become obsolete quickly.

  1. Foster a Digital Culture:

Digital transformation is not solely about technology; it’s also about people. Cultivate a digital culture within the organization:

Innovation: Encourage employees to embrace innovation and experimentation. Provide platforms for sharing ideas and fostering creativity.

Collaboration: Promote collaboration across departments and teams, breaking down silos that can hinder the flow of information and ideas.

Continuous Learning: Invest in training and development programs to upskill employees. Create a learning environment where employees feel empowered to acquire new skills and adapt to change.

  1. Data Management and Analytics:

Data is a cornerstone of digital transformation. Implement robust data management practices:

Data Collection: Establish efficient data collection processes, ensuring that data is accurate, relevant, and compliant with privacy regulations.

Data Storage: Choose secure and scalable data storage solutions to accommodate growing data volumes.

Data Analytics: Utilize advanced analytics tools and techniques to derive actionable insights from data. This can inform decision-making, enhance customer experiences, and drive innovation.

  1. Cybersecurity and Compliance:

Given the importance of data and digital assets, security should be a top priority:

Security Measures: Invest in robust cybersecurity measures, including firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems, to protect sensitive data from cyber threats.

Compliance: Ensure compliance with relevant regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or industry-specific standards. Regularly audit and update your compliance practices to stay aligned with evolving requirements.

  1. Monitor and Measure Progress:

Continuously monitor and measure the progress of digital transformation initiatives:

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Define KPIs that align with your objectives and use them to track progress. Regularly assess whether you are meeting your targets.

Feedback Loops: Establish feedback mechanisms to gather input from employees, customers, and stakeholders. This feedback can be invaluable for course correction and improvement.

  1. Continuous Improvement:

Recognize that digital transformation is an ongoing process:

Adaptation: Stay informed about emerging technologies and market trends. Be ready to adjust your strategy and tactics to remain agile and responsive.

Iterative Approach: Embrace an iterative approach to improvement. Regularly assess what is working and what isn’t, and make adjustments accordingly.

The Impact on Business Processes

Digital transformation has a profound impact on various aspects of business processes:

1. Customer Engagement:

Digital transformation revolutionizes how businesses engage with their customers. Here’s how:

Personalized Marketing: With access to data analytics and customer insights, organizations can create highly personalized marketing campaigns. They can target specific customer segments with tailored content, product recommendations, and offers. This personalization enhances the customer experience and increases the likelihood of conversion.

Real-Time Customer Support: Digital tools such as chatbots and AI-powered customer service platforms provide real-time support to customers. This ensures quick responses to inquiries, issue resolution, and improved customer satisfaction. Additionally, data-driven support enables businesses to anticipate customer needs and proactively address issues.

Seamless Online Experiences: Digital transformation enables businesses to offer seamless online experiences across various touchpoints. Whether customers interact with a company through a website, mobile app, or social media, they expect consistency and convenience. Digital technologies make it possible to provide unified and user-friendly experiences, fostering stronger customer relationships and loyalty.

2. Operational Efficiency:

Digital transformation optimizes business processes, leading to operational efficiency improvements:

Automation: Automation eliminates manual and repetitive tasks, reducing the risk of errors and freeing up employees to focus on more strategic activities. Automated workflows streamline processes such as order processing, inventory management, and data entry.

Cost Savings: Efficiency gains achieved through automation and streamlined processes often result in cost savings. These savings can be reinvested in innovation or used to improve other areas of the business.

Faster Time-to-Market: Accelerated processes and efficient workflows enable businesses to bring products and services to market more quickly. This agility is crucial in responding to changing customer demands and staying ahead of competitors.

3. Data-Driven Decision Making:

Digital transformation empowers organizations with data-driven decision-making capabilities:

Data Analytics: Organizations can collect, store, and analyze vast amounts of data to gain valuable insights. Advanced analytics tools can uncover trends, customer preferences, and market conditions. This data-driven approach guides decision-makers in making informed choices about product development, marketing strategies, and resource allocation.

Forecasting: By analyzing historical data and market trends, businesses can predict future market conditions with greater accuracy. This forecasting ability allows for proactive planning and adaptability in response to changing market dynamics.

4. Agility and Innovation:

Digital transformation fosters a culture of innovation and agility:

Innovation: Embracing digital technologies encourages innovation. Businesses can experiment with new ideas, products, and services more easily. Innovation labs and incubators can be established to nurture creative thinking and experimentation.

Agility: Digital tools and platforms enable businesses to respond quickly to changes in the market or customer demands. This agility is critical in staying competitive and adapting to unforeseen challenges, such as the rapid shift to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

5. Workforce Productivity:

Digital transformation enhances workforce productivity through various means:

Task Simplification: Automation simplifies repetitive tasks, reducing the cognitive load on employees. This leads to increased job satisfaction and allows employees to focus on higher-value tasks that require creativity and problem-solving.

Collaboration Tools: Digital collaboration tools facilitate teamwork and communication among employees, regardless of their geographical locations. This promotes collaboration, knowledge sharing, and project coordination.

Remote Work: The adoption of digital technologies has made remote work more feasible and productive. Employees can work from anywhere with access to the necessary tools, contributing to a more flexible and inclusive workforce.


Digital transformation is not an option; it’s a necessity for organizations looking to thrive in the digital age. By following a well-defined roadmap and embracing digital technologies, businesses can streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and stay ahead of the competition. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are significant. In a world driven by data and technology, digital transformation is the key to long-term success.

Business Process Integrator: Transforming Communication with Corporate Messengers


Here are some benefits Jetchat can offer your company:

1. Effortless Task Building: Unlike trackers or CRMs, Coworkian provides a straightforward and user-friendly interface for task structuring, enabling employees to quickly create and monitor their tasks without the need for complex systems.

2. Business Process Automation: Coworkian allows for tasks to be automatically forwarded to employees, reducing the time and resources dedicated to task handling.

3. Up-to-date Work Plans Overview: With Coworkian , you’ll always be informed about the current progress on tasks. You can set specific intervals and receive updates on task execution.

4. Task Assignments and Completion Notifications: If you forget to assign a task, Coworkian will do it for you. You’ll be notified when work on a task begins and when it’s completed.

5. Simple Task Creation: With Coworkian, a text or voice message can be turned into a task with just one click, preventing information loss and ensuring timely task completion.

6. Project Management at All Levels: In Coworkian, you can initiate a global task and break it down into smaller sub-tasks, offering control over a project at every phase.

7. Separation of Personal and Work Chats: Coworkian keeps personal and work-related chats distinct, allowing employees to be more productive while maintaining communication with their loved ones.

8. Alerts for Upcoming Deadlines: Coworkian notifies all project participants about impending deadlines, ensuring timely measures are taken to meet them.

In the fast-paced world of modern business, seamless communication is essential for success. Corporate messengers have emerged as a crucial tool for enhancing collaboration and productivity within organizations. But what if you could take this communication tool a step further and turn it into a business process integrator? In this comprehensive article, we will explore the concept of a business process integrator, the benefits it offers, and how it can revolutionize the way companies operate.

What is a Business Process Integrator?

A business process integrator, much like a corporate messenger, is a digital platform designed to streamline communication and workflow within an organization. However, it goes beyond traditional messaging apps by seamlessly integrating with various business processes and software systems. This integration allows for the automation of tasks, improved data sharing, and enhanced collaboration among employees.

Key Features of a Business Process Integrator

To understand the significance of a business process integrator, let’s delve into its key features in detail:

1. Integration Capabilities: Unlike standalone messaging apps, a business process integrator can connect with other software applications commonly used in an organization, such as CRM systems, project management tools, and document management software. This integration ensures that information flows effortlessly between different departments and systems, creating a unified digital ecosystem.

2. Workflow Automation: One of the primary benefits of a business process integrator is its ability to automate repetitive tasks and workflows. For example, it can automatically route customer inquiries to the right department, assign tasks to team members based on predefined rules, and trigger notifications when specific events occur. This automation not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors.

3. Real-time Collaboration: Just like a corporate messenger, a business process integrator provides real-time messaging and collaboration features. However, it also allows employees to work together on documents, share screens, and conduct virtual meetings within the same platform. This real-time collaboration fosters teamwork and boosts overall productivity.

4. Customization: Businesses can customize a business process integrator to suit their specific needs. This includes creating custom workflows tailored to unique processes, adding integrations with proprietary software, and defining granular access controls to protect sensitive data. The flexibility of customization ensures that the platform adapts to the organization’s evolving requirements.

Benefits of Using a Business Process Integrator

Now that we’ve covered the features in-depth, let’s explore the numerous benefits a business process integrator brings to an organization:

1. Enhanced Productivity: By automating routine tasks and providing a centralized platform for communication and collaboration, employees can focus on more critical, value-added activities. This leads to increased productivity and efficiency, translating into measurable business gains.

2. Improved Communication: A business process integrator centralizes communication, reducing the need for scattered emails and multiple messaging apps. This results in clearer communication and less information overload. Messages, documents, and discussions are all conveniently housed within the same platform, ensuring that important information is easily accessible.

3. Data Accuracy: Integration with various systems ensures that data is consistent and up-to-date across the organization. This minimizes errors that often arise from manual data entry and enhances data-driven decision-making. Reliable data leads to better strategic choices and improved customer experiences.

4. Cost Savings: While there may be an initial investment in implementing a business process integrator, the long-term cost savings are substantial. Streamlining processes and reducing manual work can lead to reduced labor costs, decreased operational expenses, and a healthier bottom line.

5. Scalability: As businesses grow, a business process integrator can scale with them, accommodating changing needs and processes. Whether it’s adding new team members, expanding into new markets, or adopting additional software tools, the integrator remains adaptable and supportive of growth.

Use Cases for Business Process Integrators

Let’s explore some practical use cases where a business process integrator can make a significant impact:

1. HR Management: Streamline the hiring process by automating candidate screening, interview scheduling, and onboarding tasks. HR teams can focus on nurturing talent and fostering a positive work environment.

2. Sales and CRM: Automatically capture leads from various sources, assign them to sales reps, and track progress through the sales pipeline. Sales teams can prioritize their efforts and improve customer relationship management.

3. Customer Support: Route customer inquiries to the appropriate support agents, provide automated responses to common queries, and escalate urgent issues promptly. Customer support teams can deliver faster, more effective assistance.

4. Project Management: Automate task assignments, track project progress, and facilitate collaboration among team members regardless of their geographical location. Project managers can ensure projects stay on track and meet deadlines efficiently.


In today’s digital era, businesses must adapt to new technologies and tools to remain competitive. A business process integrator, with its ability to merge the convenience of a corporate messenger with powerful integration and automation features, offers a significant advantage. By implementing a business process integrator, organizations can improve communication, enhance productivity, and stay ahead in the ever-evolving business landscape.

Task Tracker: Why every company should implement It

task tracker

In today’s business environment, task management is becoming a crucial factor for the success of companies across various industries. Every day, employees face a vast amount of tasks with pressing deadlines. Traditional methods of tracking and communication, such as emails, paper notes, and verbal instructions, often lead to confusion, mistakes, and time wastage. All these slow down the workflow and increase the risk of missing deadlines.

To overcome these challenges and ensure more effective planning, organization, and task control, companies need to adopt specialized software – task trackers.

These tools provide a centralized platform for managing tasks, assigning responsibilities, tracking progress, and sharing information among team members. Hence, in this article, we will delve into all the advantages and importance of implementing a task tracker in every company.

Regardless of your business sector, effective task management is a prerequisite for achieving success. No matter the size of the company or the number of employees, transparent and structured task management helps increase productivity, reduce staff workload, and ensure more accurate adherence to deadlines.

Task Tracker: Task Organization

Task organization is one of the most crucial aspects of successful company management. With a task tracker, a company acquires a convenient tool for creating, assigning, and monitoring tasks. Employees can easily create new tasks, determine their priorities, and set deadlines. Moreover, the task tracker offers the ability to assign responsibility for each task, making it clear who is accountable for completing each specific task.

Thanks to the centralized system of the task tracker, all tasks are visible on one platform, facilitating tracking and work organization. Employees can effortlessly browse the task list, filter them by various criteria, such as priority or deadline. This allows them to plan their work more effectively and ensure timely task completion.

Additionally, the task tracker allows for a detailed description of each task, including necessary information, instructions, and requirements. This helps eliminate ambiguity and misunderstanding when executing a task, as all essential details are available in a clear and structured format.

Improving Communication

Effective communication among employees is a key factor for a company’s successful operation. The task tracker provides a convenient and structured platform for sharing information about tasks. Each task can contain comments and discussions where team members can share ideas, exchange opinions, and ask questions.

This communication approach eliminates the need for verbal or written negotiations, which can be time-consuming and not always effective. Instead, employees can communicate in the context of a specific task, allowing them to maintain focus on problem-solving and make decisions faster. Furthermore, all discussions and comments are stored in the task tracker, providing access at any time and ensuring information isn’t lost.

The enhanced communication facilitated by the task tracker also promotes improved collaboration within the team. Every participant sees the comments and discussions, keeping everyone informed about the current state of the task and enabling collective decision-making. More effective communication leads to smoother and more coordinated task execution, improving interactions and resulting in higher quality outcomes.

Process Transparency

One of the significant challenges in task management is the lack of transparency and visibility of the current state of the task execution process. With the use of a task tracker, a company gains the ability to easily trace every stage of task completion.

The task tracker allows for clear tracking of the status of each task, determining its current stage and who is responsible for its completion. Thanks to a centralized system, all team members can see the current progress and status of the task. This makes it easy to identify issues or obstacles that may arise during task execution and to take necessary measures to address them.

The process transparency provided by the task tracker also helps avoid delays in project execution. Each employee can see the tasks assigned to them and the established deadlines. This allows for more efficient time and resource planning, as well as taking timely measures to ensure the task is completed on schedule.

Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness with a Task Tracker

Avoiding Information Loss

The task tracker allows for storing all task-related information in one place. All correspondence, files, and comments are stored within the respective task, ensuring no critical data gets lost. All project participants can easily access the needed information and stay updated with all changes and developments.

Analysis and Process Optimization

The task tracker provides insights into the team’s productivity and efficiency. Analyzing this data helps to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses in processes, identifying opportunities for optimization and productivity enhancements. By studying task performance metrics, one can detect problematic areas and take corrective measures.


The task tracker is a potent tool that can significantly improve task and project management in businesses of all sizes. Thanks to its features, companies can achieve better communication, process transparency, efficient planning, and enhanced work outcomes. Implementing a task tracker becomes imperative for modern organizations aiming for business process optimization and productivity enhancement.

Automation of processes: Driving business growth


The modern business landscape is ever-evolving and becoming increasingly competitive. To maintain their standing, companies must adapt and progress. One of the key factors for success is business process automation, which can enhance a company’s efficiency and productivity.

What is Process Automation?

Business Process Automation (BPA) involves utilizing computer technologies to simplify the execution of business processes and reduce the time spent on routine tasks. Automation can help companies expedite task completion and improve work quality.

Which companies can benefit from process automation? Virtually all of them. Regardless of a company’s size or industry, process automation can be beneficial. It helps larger companies manage vast amounts of information and boost employee efficiency, while it allows smaller businesses to be more competitive and result-oriented.
What Benefits Does Business Process Automation Offer?

Firstly, it helps reduce personnel costs and boost company productivity.
Secondly, automation decreases the number of errors and speeds up task completion.
Thirdly, it enhances work quality and elevates client satisfaction levels.

Which Businesses Need Automation?

Almost any organization, regardless of its size or industry, can reap the benefits of business process automation. From small startups aiming to optimize their sales department to large corporations striving to improve business process management, automation offers significant advantages. Enterprises with a high volume of repetitive tasks, complex processes, or a strong emphasis on customer service are prime candidates for automation. Industries like manufacturing, healthcare, retail, and finance have already begun implementing automation to optimize operations and enhance customer service quality.
Process Automation: Which Processes Can Be Optimized?

A wide array of processes can be automated depending on a company’s specific needs and objectives. Here are some of them:

Customer Relationship Management. CRM systems help streamline the sales process, track customer interactions, and automate follow-up actions. This allows sales teams to focus on building relationships and closing deals. Automated lead scoring and nurturing enable businesses to prioritize their efforts more effectively.

Customer Communication. Chatbots and AI-based messaging systems can handle routine customer queries, freeing up customer support to tackle more intricate issues. This not only reduces response times but also enhances overall customer service quality.

Project Management. Project management software can automate task assignment, progress tracking, and report generation, ensuring projects stay within budget and on schedule. Collaboration tools integrated into these systems also simplify team interactions, reduce bottlenecks, and increase overall project efficiency.

Financial Processes. Automation tools can simplify invoicing, expense tracking, and payment management, reducing errors and enhancing efficiency. Automated financial reporting and analysis also provide valuable insights for more informed decision-making.

Marketing. Marketing automation platforms allow businesses to run campaigns, monitor effectiveness, and analyze results, leading to more targeted and effective marketing strategies. These systems can automate tasks such as email marketing, social media planning, and content curation, saving time and improving campaign return on investment.

Supply Chain Management and Inventory Optimization. Automation can help businesses optimize supply chain operations from order processing and inventory tracking to warehouse management and shipping. These systems minimize the risk of stockouts or overstocking, ensuring that businesses can efficiently meet customer demand.

Human Resources. HR automation tools can streamline processes like recruitment, onboarding, and performance management, reducing administrative overhead and improving overall employee management quality.

What Not to Optimize

When considering business process automation, it’s essential to recognize that while this technology can offer many benefits to a company, not every process should be automated. Furthermore, potential negative impacts on employees and the corporate culture should be taken into account.

Processes suitable for automation include tasks related to data processing, operations optimization, marketing automation, project management, and others. Automation systems, such as CRM systems, project management software, and marketing automation tools, can significantly enhance business efficiency and productivity.

However, not every task is fit for automation. Tasks requiring human judgment, creativity, or empathy, such as high-level decision-making, employee performance evaluations, or conflict resolution, are better left to human discretion.

Moreover, it’s crucial to consider the potential influence of automation on the ethical environment and corporate values within the team. Excessive automation can lead to job displacement or a sense of disconnection among employees, potentially impacting the team’s overall efficiency and performance negatively.

Thus, when considering business process automation, one needs to weigh the potential pros and cons. It’s vital to choose technology that best aligns with the company’s needs while ensuring that it doesn’t adversely impact employees and the corporate culture.

The Benefits of Business Process Automation

Business process automation offers a multitude of advantages for companies aiming to enhance their efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. Let’s outline some of the key benefits.

Cost Savings: Automating routine tasks can reduce labor costs and minimize the risk of human errors, leading to more accurate and efficient operations. This can positively impact a company’s financial metrics, including profitability.

Increased Productivity: Automation allows employees to focus on more significant strategic tasks and value-added activities, ultimately boosting overall and operational efficiency. This can help companies outpace their competitors and drive growth.

Enhanced Customer Service Quality: Automation tools can streamline customer interactions, leading to faster response times and more consistent and personalized customer service. Satisfied customers are more likely to become loyal patrons and recommend the business to others, resulting in increased revenue and brand loyalty.

More Effective Decision-making Process: Automated data collection and analysis can provide businesses with valuable insights, enabling them to make more informed decisions and elevate overall productivity. Real-time data analysis also helps companies identify new trends and market opportunities, allowing them to adapt and respond faster to changes.

Scalability: As a business grows, automation can ensure efficient scaling of processes and systems, enabling the company to handle increased demand without compromising quality or efficiency. This can be particularly beneficial for fast-growing companies, helping them sidestep growth challenges and maintain operational excellence.

Improved Compliance and Risk Management: Automation assists businesses in adhering to industry standards and reduces the risk of facing penalties for non-compliance. Automated systems can also decrease the risk of data breaches and other security threats, safeguarding both the company and its customers.

Enhanced Innovation and Flexibility: By automating routine tasks and freeing up resources, businesses can dedicate more time and effort to innovations and strategic initiatives. This helps companies remain flexible and adaptable in the face of changing market conditions and emerging technologies.

What Systems Aid in Process Automation?

A broad spectrum of business automation systems is available, each tailored to address specific needs and processes within a company. Here are some of the most popular systems:

CRM Systems: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems assist companies in managing interactions with customers and potential clients. They automate tasks such as contact tracking, lead nurturing, and sales pipeline management.

Marketing Automation Platforms: These tools enable companies to automate various marketing tasks, such as email marketing, social media management, and content generation, allowing for more targeted and efficient campaigns.

Project Management Software: These tools help businesses automate aspects of project planning, execution, and reporting, ensuring projects are completed within stipulated timelines and budget constraints.

Financial and Accounting Software: These systems aid businesses in automating financial processes, such as invoicing, expense management, and payroll calculations, enhancing accuracy and efficiency.

Human Resource Management Systems: HR software can help automate various tasks related to personnel, such as recruiting, onboarding, and performance management, optimizing processes and reducing administrative overhead.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: ERP systems offer a comprehensive solution for automating various business processes, including inventory management, order processing, and financial management. These systems can help businesses achieve greater control over their operations.

Corporate Messengers: These applications assist companies in automating and organizing internal and external communication processes. Using various features like shared channels, private chats, video and audio calls, and integration with other business tools, corporate chat applications simplify communication, enhance productivity, and ensure timely information exchange within a team or organization.

In Conclusion

Business process optimization is a key tool for automation and an objective for enhancing a company’s operations. A business automation system facilitates the management of processes within the company and simplifies client interactions. Moreover, automation helps reduce the time spent on routine tasks and enhances the efficiency of employees.

Automation tools, such as software applications, allow the automation of processes that previously required numerous actions and paperwork. Project management and CRM systems can be automated, which helps in managing processes that once demanded a lot of time and effort.

When implementing automation, it’s essential to analyze the processes that can be automated to select a system best suited for the company. It’s crucial to remember that automation should not only be efficient but also user-friendly for employees.

The stages of process automation implementation should be carefully planned and executed to avoid issues when working with new software. The decision to implement automation should aim to improve company operations and ease the tasks for employees.

Overall, business process optimization is a vital decision for a company that aims to enhance work efficiency, the sales department, and also simplify communication with clients.

How to implement a corporate messenger

Man with phone

A corporate messenger is a tool for communication and coordination of company employees. It allows for the exchange of messages, files, and phone numbers either within a local network or through its web version.

A distinguishing feature of messengers is group chats, which enable employees to communicate on specific topics and share information quickly and efficiently. Unlike email, data transfer in messengers is faster, allowing employees to quickly receive and process information.

Moreover, messengers can integrate with other services and software for user convenience. In Russia, there’s also a registry of corporate messengers that comply with legislative requirements.

Implementing a corporate messenger in employee workspaces can significantly enhance work efficiency and facilitate communication within the company.

Advantages of corporate messengers

Corporate messengers offer a plethora of advantages over other communication channels. One of their primary benefits is the ability for rapid and efficient information exchange among company employees. Unlike emails, which can often consume a considerable amount of time in drafting and awaiting responses, messengers facilitate instantaneous message exchange.

Additionally, corporate messengers allow for the creation of group chats. This enables employees to quickly communicate about specific projects and tasks, share files, and exchange links. They also ensure data transmission security and can be password-protected, ensuring the confidentiality of communications.

Many corporate messengers feature chatbot functions, which can assist employees in swiftly locating necessary information, performing daily tasks, and even responding to client queries.

It’s also worth noting that, unlike regular messengers, corporate ones can operate within a company’s local network, avoiding potential security threats posed by using publicly available messengers.

In summary, corporate messengers can significantly enhance intra-company communication and collaboration, increase work efficiency, and reduce information transfer time.

Why we don’t recommend using regular messengers

There are several reasons against using regular messengers for internal company communication:

1. Messengers like WhatsApp, Viber, and Telegram don’t always ensure sufficient data security. One reason not to use regular messengers for internal company communication is that some of them do not offer end-to-end encryption, which can lead to potential leaks of confidential information. Additionally, most of these regular messengers share a common infrastructure for all users, meaning information might be stored on the company’s servers without guaranteed data safety.

2. Standard messengers lack essential features for corporate use, such as group chat creation, access right management, and process automation via chatbots. As a result, using these messengers might lead to issues in work coordination and information transfer, causing delays and errors.

3. Some regular messengers might be blocked in specific regions or workplaces, which can disrupt employee communication and hamper work efficiency.

4. In some cases, utilizing regular messengers for communication can breach company policies related to data confidentiality and intellectual property protection.

Using standard messengers as a communication medium within a company can pose several cyber-security threats and challenges. Therefore, it’s advised to employ specially designed corporate messengers that ensure both safety and work efficiency.

Coworkian – A secure corporate messenger

Coworkian is a simple and user-friendly collaborative tool that takes charge of chat organization, task setting, and monitoring, helping users avoid unnecessary distractions.

Our product is compatible with a variety of operating systems, including iOS, Android, Windows, and MacOS, allowing our users to choose a corporate messenger that best fits their needs. We offer features for audio and video calls, file exchanges, messaging, and other forms of communication.

Once our corporate messenger is finalized, it will also be registered in the Russian software registry. Jetchat ensures safe information exchange among company employees via a local network and offers the potential to integrate with other apps and services. Furthermore, we provide a web-based version, facilitate group chats, and send notifications across different devices.

Coworkian provides access to information on our servers exclusively to authorized users and allows control over other users’ access to information. Our platform also enables managing collaborative solutions and ensures the safe exchange of information between company staff.

Coworkian is a product designed to simplify client workflows and secure communication among employees, granting access to data solely for authorized users. Our platform boasts a wide range of features for messaging, task oversight, and integration with other services.

If you’re in search of an apt tool for business process automation, Jetchat might just be the best fit for you.

Here are some benefits Jetchat can offer your company:

1. Effortless Task Building: Unlike trackers or CRMs, Coworkian provides a straightforward and user-friendly interface for task structuring, enabling employees to quickly create and monitor their tasks without the need for complex systems.

2. Business Process Automation: Coworkian allows for tasks to be automatically forwarded to employees, reducing the time and resources dedicated to task handling.

3. Up-to-date Work Plans Overview: With Coworkian , you’ll always be informed about the current progress on tasks. You can set specific intervals and receive updates on task execution.

4. Task Assignments and Completion Notifications: If you forget to assign a task, Coworkian will do it for you. You’ll be notified when work on a task begins and when it’s completed.

5. Simple Task Creation: With Coworkian, a text or voice message can be turned into a task with just one click, preventing information loss and ensuring timely task completion.

6. Project Management at All Levels: In Coworkian, you can initiate a global task and break it down into smaller sub-tasks, offering control over a project at every phase.

7. Separation of Personal and Work Chats: Coworkian keeps personal and work-related chats distinct, allowing employees to be more productive while maintaining communication with their loved ones.

8. Alerts for Upcoming Deadlines: Coworkian notifies all project participants about impending deadlines, ensuring timely measures are taken to meet them.

Here are some benefits Jetchat can offer your company:

1. Effortless Task Building: Unlike trackers or CRMs, Coworkian provides a straightforward and user-friendly interface for task structuring, enabling employees to quickly create and monitor their tasks without the need for complex systems.

2. Business Process Automation: Coworkian allows for tasks to be automatically forwarded to employees, reducing the time and resources dedicated to task handling.

3. Up-to-date Work Plans Overview: With Coworkian , you’ll always be informed about the current progress on tasks. You can set specific intervals and receive updates on task execution.

4. Task Assignments and Completion Notifications: If you forget to assign a task, Coworkian will do it for you. You’ll be notified when work on a task begins and when it’s completed.

5. Simple Task Creation: With Coworkian, a text or voice message can be turned into a task with just one click, preventing information loss and ensuring timely task completion.

6. Project Management at All Levels: In Coworkian, you can initiate a global task and break it down into smaller sub-tasks, offering control over a project at every phase.

7. Separation of Personal and Work Chats: Coworkian keeps personal and work-related chats distinct, allowing employees to be more productive while maintaining communication with their loved ones.

8. Alerts for Upcoming Deadlines: Coworkian notifies all project participants about impending deadlines, ensuring timely measures are taken to meet them.

How to implement Coworkian in your business

The first step is to get in touch with us and discuss the specifics of integrating Coworkian into your company. You can contact us through the contact form on our website at Coworkian, or leave a message on our email.

– Our experts will conduct a business process analysis and help select the most effective Coworkian tools and features suitable for your company.

– We’ll assist in transferring your chats from other messengers to Coworkian and set up our platform tailored for your business needs.

– Our specialists will carry out onboarding, train your employees on how to use Coworkian, and help adjust business processes for optimal use of our platform.

– Throughout your use of Coworkian, we will provide technical support and assist with any arising issues.

– We also offer integration with other apps and services used in your company to enhance work efficiency.

In Conclusion

In modern business, it’s as essential to protect your data from unauthorized access as it is to communicate efficiently with colleagues. The use of corporate messengers is becoming increasingly common, as they address both these challenges simultaneously.

While standard messengers also facilitate communication and data transfer, they aren’t secure enough for corporate purposes. On the other hand, corporate messengers, including Coworkian, ensure robust data protection and controlled access.

Coworkian stands as a secure and reliable corporate messenger that guarantees data protection and ease of use. With this tool, it’s easy to work as a team, manage tasks, and share information without worries of potential leaks.

The use of corporate messengers, including Coworkian, is gaining popularity in the business world, as they simplify communication and organize work processes while ensuring data security.